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Committee Chairs: Jenna Smith

Saxon Scope: How is your committee contributing to Case Day as a whole? What are your responsibilities?
Jenna Smith: We are In charge of contacting the submitters of amici briefs in order to glean from their individual perspectives and investment in the case.

SS: What has the interest groups committee done so far in preparation for Case Day?
JS: We've worked on getting in touch with [the submitters of amici briefs] and have done a lot of work reading into the briefs and the organizations themselves.

SS: What excites you most about Case Day this year?
JS: I'm excited about case day because although it might not be the most outwardly flashy subject, it's actually covering an integral question as to how our democracy works.

SS: What is your personal opinion on the Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council case?
​JS: I think I'm aligned more closely with the respondent of the case, as I believe, in a simplistic perspective of the case, that voting should be the easiest process possible to encourage everyone to vote.

Interest Groups Committee

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