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Committee Chair: Eliza Campbell

Saxon Scope: How is your committee contributing to Case Day as a whole? What are your responsibilities?

Eliza Campbell: Education Committee is responsible for teaching local elementary and middle school students about this year's case and the basic governmental concepts that relate to the case. We also inform the students at Langley about the case and its ramifications, while also promoting Case Day itself.


SS: What has the education committee done so far in preparation for Case Day?

EC: So far we've developed the lesson plans for the elementary and middle school classes and have presented at Churchill and Spring Hill. We will be presenting at Kilmer tomorrow and Cooper next Thursday. We have also developed our education campaign for Langley which we will be promoting next week.

SS: What excites you most about Case Day this year?

EC: Case Day is an event unique to Langley and I'm excited that I get to be involved in the planning of the event. Case Day really causes students to become aware of the significance of Supreme Court cases and how the Court's decisions really affect us and I think that's a neat thing to be a part of.


​SS: What is your personal opinion on the Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council case?

EC: I personally agree with the respondent's argument, although I think that the petitioner's have a strong case as well. It will be interesting to see what our court decides!

Education Committee

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