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Committee Chair: Bre Della Corna

​Saxon Scope: How is your committee contributing to Case Day as a whole? What are your responsibilities?
Bre Della Corna: As a whole my committee is in charge of the Case Day website (, the program, and documenting the day through photography etc to be put in a scrapbook afterwards.

SS: What has the history committee done so far in preparation for Case Day?
y committee is in charge of the website so getting that updated and reformatted was the first task. Currently we are working on putting together the program that is handed out on case day.

SS: What excites you most about Case Day this year?
BDC: I am most excited about listening to the guest and student justices and hearing what they have to say about the case.

SS: What is your personal opinion on the Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council case?
I think it's important to discuss the voting qualifications in this country because electing political figures is one of our most important democratic responsibilities.

History Committee

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