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Committee Chair: Preet Sohal

Saxon Scope: How is your committee contributing to Case Day as a whole? What are your responsibilities?

Preet Sohal: We have been involved with conducting local polls in order to acquire the community’s opinions on this year’s case. Last Monday, we surveyed roughly 200 people at the McLean Giant. While there, we met some pretty interesting people with equally interesting opinions—many of which we hope to share with everyone on Case Day. Additionally, members of our committee went to all senior government classes, surveying students with similar questions as well as giving them the opportunity to become registered voters in Virginia. We look forward to sharing the results of our two polls on Case Day!

SS: What excites you most about Case Day this year?
PS: I’m excited to hear the unique arguments brought up by this year’s incredibly bright counsel.

SS: What is your personal opinion on the Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council case?

PS: As of right now, I’m not entirely sure. I understand where both sides are coming from, but I’ll have to listen to oral arguments on Friday in order to fully figure out where I stand.

Community Relations Committee

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